On my podcast I often speak of the devastating effects of fear and how it is the enemy of most things tangible to poor choices and self deprivation. Not only does it lead to our own undoing, it also creates a vibratory message to the universe around us that we are welcoming people, places and things that do not serve us.
Fear is not the opposite of love, but it is the condition which is void of love. And that which is done without love has a very difficult time receiving the abundance of the universe.
Currently, we are going through a global pandemic, which is changing the way we think about the world around us, the people around us as well as our own nature. Those that have their emotions under control are those who will be the safest in any situation. However those that do not have control over their emotions will be those who are ill prepared to deal with this current situation as well as the economic and social impact there after.
In this so-called modern world, we have so many disruptors inundating us with emotional stimuli; main stream media, social media or just friends and family who either take situations not serious enough or to a point where panic sets in and we begin to make bad choices based on the fears that others have injected into our consciousness.
By allowing others to, not just control your fear, but all of your emotions, like anger, sadness, jealousy, even love and happiness. We are allowing them to control our conscious thinking and when they control our conscious thinking they control us and our destiny. Your mind is the cause of everything especially your goals, dreams ambitions and the ability to manifest the things that you need and want in this world. So let no one stop you from your dreams by the allowance of emotional disruptions.
It is often true that conditions of fear, worry, poverty, disease, inharmony and evils of all kinds dominate us by reason of false suggestions accepted by the unguarded subconscious mind.
The subconscious mind is then open to the suggestion of fear, hatred, selfishness, greed, self-depreciation and other negative forces, derived from surrounding persons or circumstances. The result is usually unwholesome in the extreme, with effects that may endure to distress it for a long time, and the results from this may not be sudden, but endure and bubble up when least desired.
When one is ruled by fear; the fear of loss, failure, inequity, poverty, struggle, loneliness, abandonment and the fear of what others may say or think, it allows for a lack of trust in their own abilities as the strong person that they may be, or destine to be. And it is the fear of criticism that causes many ideas to fail to see the light of day.
This disharmony in ones own being, makes men fear the past, the present and the future; fear themselves, their friends and their enemies; fear everything and everybody. When fear is effectually and completely destroyed, your light will shine, the clouds will disperse and you will have found your own source of power, energy and life.
But those who will not fear criticism or anything else; will be too busy radiating courage, confidence, and power; he will anticipate success by his mental attitude; he will pound barriers to pieces and leap over the chasm of doubt and hesitation which fear places in his path. A knowledge of our ability to consciously radiate health, strength and harmony will bring us into a realization that there is nothing to fear because we are in touch with Infinite Strength. Charles H. Hanaal
So how does one overcome fear?
Since all is mental and mental is the cause to an effect, one must replace fear with courage, replace loss with abundance, replace loneliness with harmony, replace all negative thinking with that of inward positive thinking and be as honest with yourself as you can.
Focus all of your thoughts to you as an individual without the need for anyone else to provide you with happiness, courage, wealth or love. For these are things which you must find in yourself. And until you can do that then you will not find completion in any outside forces, places or people. You must find harmony within, before there is harmony without. All things start inward by the ability to control self. And some would come to find that it is easier to control a nation than it is to control themselves.
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